07 May 2020 Top Current Affairs | Daily Current Affairs 2020 | English & Hindi
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07 May 2020: Current Affairs 2020 quiz Questions & Answers to enhance your General Awareness. Practice with our esteemed Current Affairs quiz May 07, 2020 questions which covers all important events across India as well as World. Make use of all important Current Affairs quiz May 07, 2020 questions with answers updated here, at free of cost to succeed in all competitive Exams and Interviews like SSC, Bank, UPSC, Navy&Airforce Exams.
Q.1 When will World Password Day be celebrated this year?
(इस वर्ष World Password Day कब मनाया जायेगा?)
a. 7 May
b. 8 May
c. 9 May
d. 10 May
Q.2 Recently Dalit Ezhilamalai has passed away, who was he related to?
(हाल ही में दलित एझिलामलाई का निधन हुआ है वो किससे सम्बंधित थे?)
a. Singing
b. Politics
c. Bollywood
d. Sports
Top Current Affairs 07 May 2020
Q.3 Who has developed Ultra Violet Disinflex Tower?
(अल्ट्रा वायलेट डिसइंफेक्सन टॉवर किसने विकसित किया है?)
d. Delhi Police
Q.4 Who has started the ‘Samundra Setu’ campaign?
( ‘समुन्द्र सेतु’ अभियान किसने शुरू किया है?)
a. Indian Army
b. Indian Navy
c. Indian Airforce
Q.5 How long is the Badminton World Championship 2020 postponed?
(बैडमिंटन वर्ल्ड चैंपियनशिप 2020 को कितने साल तक स्थगित किया गया है?)
a. 1 Year
b. 2 Year
c. 3 Year
d. 4 Year
Q.6 Who was recently awarded the commemorative World War II medal by Russia?
(हाल ही में रूस द्वारा द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के पदक से किसे सम्मानित किया गया था?)
a. Narendra Modi
b. Kim Jong Un
c. Shinzo Abe
Top Current Affairs 07 May 2020
d. Moon Jae-in
Q.7 Former J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s PSA detention has been extended for how many months?
(पूर्व जम्मू-कश्मीर की मुख्यमंत्री महबूबा मुफ्ती के पीएसए को कितने महीनों के लिए बढ़ा दिया गया है?)
a. Three months
b. Two months
c. Six months
d. Four months
Q.8 The central trade unions have sought how much monthly cash support from the centre for needy households?
(केंद्रीय ट्रेड यूनियनों ने मांग की है कि जरूरतमंद परिवारों के लिए केंद्र से मासिक नकद सहायता कितनी है?)
a. Rs 5000
b. Rs 3000
c. Rs 6000
d. Rs 7500
Q.9 Which state government has extended the lockdown till May 29?
(किस राज्य सरकार ने 29 मई तक लॉकडाउन बढ़ाया है?)
a. Punjab
b. Telangana
c. Odisha
d. Maharashtra
Q.10 Which country has claimed to develop the first potential vaccine candidate that neutralised the virus in human cells?
(किस देश ने मानव कोशिकाओं में वायरस को बेअसर करने वाले पहले संभावित वैक्सीन उम्मीदवार को विकसित करने का दावा किया है?)
a. Germany
b. Japan
c. Italy
d. Israel
Top Current Affairs 07 May 2020
Q.11 Which state government has launched ‘Ayush Kavach’ app?
(किस राज्य सरकार ने ‘आयुष कवच’ ऐप लॉन्च किया है?)
a. Maharashtra
b. Jharkhand
c. Rajasthan
d. Uttar Pradesh
Q.12 When is the last date for filing annual GST return for fiscal year 2018-2019?
(वित्तीय वर्ष 2018-2019 के लिए वार्षिक जीएसटी रिटर्न दाखिल करने की अंतिम तिथि कब तक है?)
a. 30 September 2020
b. 30 June 2020
c. 31 July 2020
d. 01 August 2020
Answer Highlights –
(1) 7 May 2020
Every year on the primary Thursday in May, World Password Day advances better secret word propensities. Passwords are basic guards to our computerized characters, permitting us to get to web based shopping, dating, banking, internet based life, private work, and life interchanges.
(2) Politics
Previous Union Minister Dalit Ezhilamalai died. He was the pioneer of Pattali Makkal Katchi Party and filled in as Union Minister of State for Health, Family Welfare (Independent Charge) during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government in 1998–99. He was chosen to the twelfth Lok Sabha from Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. He took an interest in the Indo-Pak War of 1971 as a military official.
(3) DRDO
The Ultra Violet (UV) disinflexing tower has been created by the Laser Science and Technology Center (LASTEC), the renowned lab of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). The UV Disinfaxen Tower has been produced for speedy and concoction free sterilization of intensely tainted regions.
Top Current Affairs 07 May 2020
(4) Indian Navy
Another undertaking called “Samudra Setu” has been propelled by the Indian Navy. “Samudra Setu” signifies “Ocean Bridge”. This activity has been begun as an endeavor to bring back the Indians caught abroad during the COVID-19 pestilence. The whole activity is being led in close coordination with the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health and different organizations of the Government of India and the State Governments.
(5) 1 Year
The Badminton World Championship 2020 to be held for the current year has been deferred until one year from now for example November 2021. The competition is held each year for the most part in August, however will presently be held from November 29 to December 5, 2021. This big showdown will be held at Carolina Marin Stadium in Huauve, Spain. The vast majority of the competitions suspended were qualifiers for the Tokyo Olympics. The title is sorted out by the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and the Spanish Badminton Federation (FESBA).
(6) Kim Jong Un
North Korean pioneer Kim Jong Un was granted the dedicatory World War II award by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kim Jong Un was respected with the award for safeguarding the recollections of Soviet Union troopers who passed on in A north Korean area during the war.
(7) Three Months
Previous Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s preventive confinement under Public Safety Act was stretched out for an additional three months before it was expected to lapse on May 5, 2020. The detainment of two different pioneers Ali Mohammed Sagar and Sartaj Madani-has additionally been reached out for 3 months.
(8) RS. 7500
The focal worker’s guilds have asked the administration to move Rs 7500 every month to all the destitute, non-annual duty paying, families for a time of at any rate three months.
(9) Telangana
The Telangana Chief Minister on May 5, 2020 declared that lockdown will be stretched out in the state till May 29. K Chandrashekhar Rao educated that the night time limitation from 7 pm-7 am will proceed in the state during the period.
(10) Italy
Italian specialists professed to have built up a potential coronavirus antibody that killed the infection in human cells just because. An Italian firm, Takis, is building up the immunization.
(11) Uttar Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh state government propelled the Ayush Kavach application on May 5, 2020. The Ayush Kavach application expects to assist individuals with boosting their resistance against the coronavirus by giving pertinent tips and realities from Ayurveda.
Top Current Affairs 07 May 2020
(12) September 30, 2020
The focal government has broadened as far as possible for documenting the yearly GST returns for the financial year 2018-2019 till September 30, 2020.
Top Current Affairs 07 May 2020
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