08 May 2020 Top Current Affairs | Daily Current Affairs 2020 | English & Hindi
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08 May 2020: Current Affairs 2020 quiz Questions & Answers to enhance your General Awareness. Practice with our esteemed Current Affairs quiz May 08, 2020 questions which covers all important events across India as well as World. Make use of all important Current Affairs quiz May 08, 2020 questions with answers updated here, at free of cost to succeed in all competitive Exams and Interviews like SSC, Bank, UPSC, Navy&Airforce Exams.
Q.1 When is World Athletics Day celebrated?
(विश्व एथलेटिक्स दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?)
a. 5 May
b. 6 May
c. 7 May
d. 8 May
Q.2 Recently who has been elected as the director of RBI Central Board?
(हाल ही RBI केंद्रीय बोर्ड के निदेशक के रूप में किससे चुना गया है?)
a. Shikha Sharma
b. Neeraj Vyas
c. Tarun Bajaj
d. None of these
Top Current Affairs 08 May 2020
Q.6 What is the name of Iran’s new currency?
(ईरान की नई मुद्रा का क्या नाम है?)
a. Roman
b. Sian
c. Toman
d. Bron
Q.7 Which among the following cities witnessed a horrific toxic gas tragedy on May 7, 2020?
(7 मई, 2020 को निम्नलिखित शहरों में से किसने एक भयानक जहरीली गैस त्रासदी देखी?)
a. Patna
b. Visakhapatnam
c. Jamshedpur
d. Bhubaneswar
Q.8 What is the toll-free number to access Aarogya Setu IVRS service?
(आरोग्य सेतु आईवीआरएस सेवा तक पहुंचने के लिए टोल-फ्री नंबर क्या है?)
a. 1921
b. 1891
c. 1000
d. 1782
Q.9 Which state government has allowed 12-hour shifts for factory workers till June 30?
(किस राज्य सरकार ने 30 जून तक कारखाना श्रमिकों के लिए 12 घंटे की शिफ्ट की अनुमति दी है?)
a. Telangana
b. Andhra Pradesh
c. Maharashtra
d. Tamil Nadu
Q.10 Who released the advisories to the Fisheries sector?
(मत्स्य क्षेत्र को सलाह किसने जारी की?)
c. WHO
d. IMD
Top Current Affairs 08 May 2020
Q.11 Who released the Lost At Home report?
(लॉस्ट एट होम रिपोर्ट किसने जारी की?)
a. WHO
Answer Highlights –
(1) 7 May
World Athletics Day 2020 is commended on 7 May this year. The date of World Athletics Day changes each year which is controlled by the IAAF, be that as it may, it is praised in the greater part of May. The primary World Athletics Day was commended in 1996. The essential target of World Athletics Day is to urge youth to take an interest in sports.
(2) Tarun Bajaj
Recently Secretary of Economic Affairs Tarun Bajaj has been appointed as the new Director of the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). His appointment has been done after approval by the Government of India. He is a 1988 batch IAS officer. He will replace Atanu Chakraborty, who retired on April 30.
(3) Iraq
Mustafa Al Qadimi has finally been elected as the new Prime Minister of Iraq due to political deadlock. Iraq’s parliament elected Mustafa Qadimi as the country’s new Prime Minister on 7 May 2020.
(4) Captain Vijayanat Thapar
Released a book titled ‘Vijyant at Kargil: The Life of a Kargil Hero’. The book is based on the biography of Veer Chakra awardee (posthumously) Captain Vijayanat Thapar. The authors of this book are Vijayanat’s father, Colonel VN Thapar and Neha Dwivedi, daughter of the martyr. The book is based on the journey of Vijayanat Thapar and his experiences from where he emerged as an officer after being in the Indian Military Academy.
(5) NITI Aayog
NITI Aayog has propelled a battle in relationship with the Piramal Foundation to secure senior residents during COVID-19. The subject of this battle is “Sheltered Grandparents and Grandparents Campaign”. The fundamental target of this propelled battle is to think about senior residents during the COVID-19 pestilence. COVID-19 will fill in as a preventive measure to guarantee senior residents’ consideration in the wake of the pestilence just as to bring issues to light about different viewpoints, for example, wellbeing and way of life of senior residents.
Top Current Affairs 08 May 2020
(6) Toman
The Iranian administrators decided on May 4, 2020 to change Iran’s national cash from ‘rial’ to ‘toman’. The officials endorsed a revision to Iran’s Monetary and Banking Act of Iran to roll out the improvement. Iran’s current money will keep on staying legitimate close by “toman” for a long time, during which the old mint pieces and bills will be step by step gathered to supplant them with new ones.
(7) Visakhapatnam
The LG polymers plant situated in Visakhapatnam saw a terrible gas catastrophe early morning on May 7, 2020. Harmful styrene gas spilled from one of the unit’s loads around 3.00 a.m. The poisonous vapor spread in close by towns, which brought about numerous individuals falling oblivious on the streets after they hurried out of their homes in alarm.
(8) 1921
The Aarogya Setu IVRS administration is a cost free assistance, which can be utilized by residents by giving a missed call to 1921. The clients will recover a call mentioning for inputs in regards to their wellbeing.
(9) Maharashtra
The Maharashtra government on May 6 allowed 12-hour shifts for factory workers across the state until June 30. The decision was taken in the wake of factories facing the labour shortage with migrant workers going back home.
(10) ICAR
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, released Advisories to the Fisheries sector in 12 languages.
UNICEF released a report titled “Lost At Home” on 5 May. The report highlighted the risks and challenges of internally displaced children and the need to protect them.