09 May 2020 Top Current Affairs | Current Affairs Today | English & Hindi
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08 May 2020: Current Affairs 2020 quiz Questions & Answers to enhance your General Awareness. Practice with our esteemed Current Affairs quiz May 08, 2020 questions which covers all important events across India as well as World. Make use of all important Current Affairs quiz May 08, 2020 questions with answers updated here, at free of cost to succeed in all competitive Exams and Interviews like SSC, Bank, UPSC, Navy&Airforce Exams.
Q.1 When is the World Red Cross celebrated?
(वर्ल्ड रेड क्रॉस कब मनाया जाता है?)
a. 7 May
b. 8 May
c. 9 May
d. 10 May
Q.2 Who Bollywood actress will remain the Goodwill Ambassador of UNEP till 2022?
(कौन बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री 2022 तक UNEP की गुडविल एम्बेसडर कौन बनी रहेगी?)
a. Shilpa Shethi
b. Dia Mirza
c. Deepika Padukone
d. Anushaka Sharma
Q.3 Recently Rob Gibbs passed away to whom did he belong?
(हाल ही में रॉब गिब्स का निधन हुआ है वो किससे संबंधित थे?)
a . Director
b. Storyteller
c. Singer
d. A&B Both
Q.4 Who has launched the “Ayush Sanjeevani” app?
(“आयुष संजीवनी” ऐप का किया शुभारंभ किसने किया है?)
a. Union Health Minister
b. Home Minister
c. Defence Minister
d. Prime Minister
Q.5 Which state government has increased the retirement age to 59 years?
( किस राज्य सरकार ने सेवानिवृत्ति की आयु को बढ़ाकर किया 59 वर्ष कर दी है?)
a. Andra Pradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Punjab
d. Tamilnadu
Q.6 What is the name of Iran’s existing currency?
(ईरान की मौजूदा मुद्रा का क्या नाम है?)
a. Sian
b. Rial
c. Shekel
d. Yen
Q.7 Which bank has hiked home loan rates linked to repo rate by up to 30 basis points?
(किस बैंक ने 30 आधार अंकों तक के रेपो रेट से जुड़े होम लोन की दरों में बढ़ोतरी की है?)
a. PNB
b. SBI
c. BOI
d. Canara Bank
Q.8 US firm Vista Equity Partners will be investing Rs 11,367 cr in which Indian company?
(अमेरिका की कंपनी विस्टा इक्विटी पार्टनर किस भारतीय कंपनी में 11,367 करोड़ रुपये का निवेश करेगी?)
a. Reliance Jio
b. Bharti Airtel
c. Vodaphone-Idea
Q.9 Which state has suspended major labour laws till 1000 days to attract investment?
(किस राज्य ने निवेश आकर्षित करने के लिए 1000 दिनों तक प्रमुख श्रम कानूनों को निलंबित कर दिया है?)
a. Madhya Pradesh
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Maharashtra
d. Delhi
Q.10 When does the UN mark “Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War?
(संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने “द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान अपनी जान गंवाने वालों के लिए स्मरण और सामंजस्य का समय” कब चिह्नित किया?)
a. May
b. April 29-30
c. May 8-9
d. May 1-2
Q.11 Telangana has imposed how much fine for not wearing masks in public places?
(तेलंगाना ने सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर मास्क नहीं पहनने के लिए कितना जुर्माना लगाया है?)
a. Rs 5000
b. Rs 3000
c. Rs 2000
d. Rs 1000
Q.12 Who launched Smartphone App MahaKavach to fight COVID-19?
(COVID-19 से लड़ने के लिए Smartphone App महावाक को किसने लॉन्च किया?)
a. Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC)
b. Bengaluru Municipal Corporation (BMC)
c. Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC)
d. Chennai Municipal Corporation (CMC)
Answer Highlights –
(1) 8 May
World Red Cross Day is commended each year universally on 8 May. The day is praised as the birth commemoration of the Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Henry Dunant. The day is devoted to the individuals who experience the ill effects of a scourge including lack of nourishment, different cataclysmic events and war.
(2) Dia Mirza
Bollywood actress and environmentalist Dia Mirza is India’s Goodwill Ambassador by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) whose tenure has been extended to 2022. Apart from this, the popular actress is also a supporter of the United Nations Development Goal. After her tenure as Mirza Goodwill Ambassador, the United Nations will now continue to spread awareness in key areas including clean air, clean seas, wildlife conservation and climate change.
(3) A&B Both
The passing of Rob Gibbs, a notable executive and who composed the narrative of a few Pixar (energized) films. He is known for some well known Pixar films, including Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, Monsters.UP, WALL-E, Inside Out to Onward.
(4) Union Health Minister
The Union Health and Family Welfare Minister, Dr. Cruel Vardhan as of late propelled Clinical Research Studies and Ayush Sanjeevani application on Ayush-based, Ayurvedic techniques for the treatment of COVID-19.
(5) Tamilnadu
The Government of Tamil Nadu has expanded the retirement time of government representatives, educators and those diminishing workers in open segment units from 58 years to 59 years. After this choice, the individuals who should resign on 31 May this year, will presently resign on 31 May 2021.
(6) Rial
Iranian administrators decided on May 4, 2020 to change Iran’s national money from ‘rial’ to ‘toman’. Under the revised law, the current cash of Iran will keep on staying substantial close by “toman” for a long time, during which the old mint pieces and bills will be bit by bit gathered to supplant them with new ones.
(7) SBI
The State Bank of India, which is the nation’s biggest moneylender, has expanded its home advance rates connected to repo rate up to 30 premise focuses in the midst of market signs of rising credit hazard in the midst of coronavirus pandemic.
(8) Reliance Jio
Vista Equity Partners, a US-based firm will before long put Rs 11,367 crore into Reliance Jio Platforms for a 2.32 percent stake. This will make Vista the biggest financial specialist in Jio Platforms, just behind Reliance Industries and Facebook.
(9) Uttar Pradesh
The Uttar Pradesh government has suspended a large portion of its work laws for a long time to pull in venture and help both existing and new modern units.
(10) May 8 – 9
The United Nations denotes the Time of Remembrance and compromise for the individuals who lost their lives during the Second World War each year on May 8-9. The day tribute to all the survivors of the Second World War. This is likewise set apart as the notable occasion, as it made ready for the foundation of the United Nations.
(11) RS. 1000
The Telangana government has given a request forcing a fine worth Rs 1000 for not wearing covers out in the open spots. The request has been passed to forestall transmission of COVID-19.
(12) Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC)
Nashik takes a few measures and activities to battle COVID-19. The measures taken by the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) propelled the portable application MahaKavach. The application is an ongoing advanced contact following portable application. It empowers residents to contribute and help the wellbeing experts in contact following, geo-fencing, and following of isolated COVID-19 patients.
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