20 May: Top Current Affairs 2020 | Current Affairs Today | English & Hindi
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20 May 2020 : Read Monthly Current Affairs 2020 for preparation of UPSC, SSC, Banking, MBA and other competitive examinations. Find Latest Current Affairs 2020 online on: dailycurrentaffairs.online |
Q.1 Who has been appointed as the new Director General of NAREDCO?
(NAREDCO के नए महानिदेशक किससे नियुक्त किया गया है?)
a. Neeraj Vyas
b. Jubair Iqbal
c. Rajesh Goyal
d. None of t these
Q.2 Recently 7th LCU warship has been inducted into the Indian Navy, what is its name given to it?
(हाल ही में भारतीय नौसेना में 7वां LCU युद्धपोत शामिल किया गया है, उससे क्या नाम दिया गया है?)
a. INLCU L57
b. INS L57
c. INL57
Q.3 Which bank has re-launched gold loan facility?
(कौनसी बैंक ने गोल्ड लोन की सुविधा का पुनः शुभारंभ किया है?)
a. Kotak Mahindra Bank
b. PNB
d. Canara Bank
Q.4 Which bank of India became the first bank to accept KYC through video?
(भारत का कौनसा बैंक वीडियो के जरिये KYC स्वीकार करने वाला पहला बैंक बना है?)
a. Kotak Mahindra Bank
b. PNB
d. Canara Bank
Q.5 Recently Ratnakar Matkari has passed away, what was he famous for?
(हाल ही में रत्नाकर मतकरी का निधन हुआ है, वो किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध थे?)
a. Author
b. Dramatist
c. Singer
d. A&B Both
Q.6 Who has launched the “H.A.C.K” program for cyber security start-ups?
(किसने साइबर सुरक्षा स्टार्ट-अप के लिए “H.A.C.K” कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है?)
a. CySecK
c. ICA
d. PIB
Q.7 Which will be the first sporting event in the world to begin after the COVID-19 lockdown?
(COVID-19 लॉकडाउन के बाद शुरू होने वाला दुनिया का पहला खेल इवेंट कौनसा होगा?)
a. FIFA 2020
b. Bundesliga Football League
c. IPL
d. None of these
Q.8 Which state has launched ‘Charan Paduka’ campaign for migrant laborers?
(किस राज्य ने प्रवासी मजदूरों के लिए ‘चरण पादुका’ अभियान आरंभ किया है?)
a. UP
b. MP
c. Rajasthan
d. Gujrat
Q.9 The central government has declared how many cities as five-star garbage-free cities?
(केंद्र सरकार ने कितने शहरो को कचरा मुक्त शहर घोषित किये हैं?)
a. Six
b. Seven
c. Five
d. Three
Q.10 Which among the following world leaders is taking hydroxychloroquine to boost his immunity against COVID-19?
(निम्नलिखित विश्व के नेताओं में से कौन COVID-19 के खिलाफ अपनी प्रतिरक्षा बढ़ाने के लिए हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन ले रहा है?)
a. Donald Trump
b. Kim Jong-un
c. Narendra Modi
d. Vladimir Putin
Q.11 Which among the following nations has unveiled a new tariff regime?
(निम्नलिखित में से किस राष्ट्र ने एक नए टैरिफ शासन का अनावरण किया है?)
a. Japan
b. US
c. UK
d. Australia
Q.12 Who could be the world’s first trillionaire by 2026, as per a new report?
(नई रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, 2026 तक दुनिया का पहला खरबपति कौन हो सकता है?)
a. Jack Ma
b. Mark Zuckerberg
c. Mukesh Ambani
d. Jeff Bezos
Answer Highlights – 20 May 2020 Top Current Affairs
(1) Rajesh Goyal
Rajesh Goyal has been appointed as the new Director General (DG) of the real estate body National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO). Prior to this, he served as Chairman and Managing Director of Hindustan Prefab Limited. He has more than 37 years of experience in leading PSUs under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
(2) INLCU L57
The landing craft utility ship ‘INLCU L57’ is inducted into the Indian Navy at Port Blair. The warship has been built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE). “INLCU L57” will be the seventh warship in the LCU Mark IV class.
(3) Canara Bank
Canara Bank has started a special business involving gold loans. Gold loan business has been started to cater to the financial needs of its customers due to COVID-19 epidemic. The bank has also launched a gold loan campaign to provide loans at 7.85% per annum by 30 June 2020.
(4) Kotak Mahindra Bank
Kotak Mahindra Bank, Kotak 811 – Bank has become the first bank in India to introduce video know your customer (KYC) facility for customers opening a savings account on the digital banking platform. The initiative is currently being launched as a pilot project for Kotak Mahindra’s savings accounts. In this, verification and signature of the documents will be completed through video call by the representative of the bank without contact.
(5) A&B Both
Veteran Marathi writer and playwright, Ratnakar Matkari passed away due to COVID-19. He was considered a pioneer in introducing children’s plays in Marathi. His novel has contributed immensely to the world of Marathi literature in various forms such as plays, short stories.
(6) CySecK
A branded accelerator program called “H.A.C.K” has been launched by Karnataka’s Center of Excellence in Cyber Security (CySecK) in an effort to provide a secure digital world. H.A.C.K is Karnataka’s first cyber-security-specific accelerator program, comprising 21 start-ups in three cohorts: 10x cohort, 0-1 cohort and virtual cohort.
(7) Bundesliga Football League
Germany’s famous football league Bundesliga has become the world’s first major sporting event to resume after the COVID-19 lockdown. Although the Bundesliga was played without an audience, the stadium had the capacity to hold more than 80,000 players. Bundesliga means “Federal League”.
(8) MP
Madhya Pradesh has launched a campaign called “Charan Paduka” for migrant laborers on foot in the state. Under this campaign, the workers going barefoot will be given shoes and slippers so that their pain can be alleviated
(9) Six
The central government has declared six cities as five-star garbage-free cities. The cities include Ambikapur, Rajkot, Surat, Mysore, Indore and Navi Mumbai. Besides this, 65 cities were given 3 stars and 70 cities were rated with one star.
(10) Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump recently declared that he is taking the antimalarial drug-hydroxychloroquine to help fend off the coronavirus infection. The drug is generally prescribed for the frontline healthcare workers treating the virus. It is not a proven shield against COVID-19.
(11) UK
The United Kingdom on May 19, 2020 unveiled a new post-Brexit tariff regime to replace the European Union’s external tariff. The UK Global Tariff (UKGT) will continue a 10% tariff on cars but will cut levies on many supply chain imports.
(12) Jeff Bezo
According to a report, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos could potentially become the world’s first trillionaire by 2026. The study done by Comparisun, a company which helps organisations compare different business products stated that the net worth of Bezos has grown by 34 percent on average over the last five years.