22 May: Top Current Affairs 2020 | Current Affairs Today | English & Hindi
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22 May 2020 : Read Monthly Current Affairs 2020 for preparation of UPSC, SSC, Banking, MBA and other competitive examinations. Find Latest Current Affairs 2020 online on: dailycurrentaffairs.online |
Q.1 When is Anti-Terrorism Day celebrated?
(आतंकवाद विरोधी दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?)
a. 20 May
b. 21 May
c. 22 May
d. 23 May
Q.2 In which state “Didi Vehicle Service” has been started?
(किस राज्य में “दीदी वाहन सेवा” प्रारम्भ की गई है?)
a. UP
b. Rajasthan
c. West Bangal
d. MP
Q. 3 Who has developed the first 12,000 horsepower engine WAG12?
(पहला 12,000 होर्सपावर वाला इंजन WAG12 किसने विकसित किया है?)
c. India Railway
d. None of these
Q.4 With whom has Flipkart joined hands to offer digital motor insurance policy to customers?
(फ्लिपकार्ट ने ग्राहकों को डिजिटल मोटर बीमा पॉलिसी देने के लिए किसके साथ हाथ मिलाया है?)
a. Policy Bazar
b. Bajaj Allianz
c. LIC
d. None of these
Q.5 Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of NABARD?
(नाबार्ड के नए अध्यक्ष के रूप में किससे नियुक्त किया गया है?)
a. Govinda Rajulu Chintala
b. Dilip Ummen
c. Zubair Iqbal
d. Manoj Ahuja
Q.6 When is International Tea Day observed?
(अंतर्राष्ट्रीय चाय दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?)
a. 20 May
b. 21 May
c. 22 May
d. 23 May
Q.7 Which state has started the “SUKOON – COVID-19 Beat the Stress” program?
(“SUKOON – COVID-19 Beat The Stress” कार्यक्रम किस राज्य ने स्टार्ट किया है?)
a. Punjab
b. J&K
c. UP
d. Rajasthan
Q.8 Who has been elected as the new president of the Indian Steel Association?
(इंडियन स्टील एसोसिएशन के नए अध्यक्ष के रूप में किससे चुना गया है?)
a. Rajesh Goyal
b. Dilip Ummen
c. Zubair Iqbal
d. Manoj Ahuja
Q.9 Which nation’s Senate has passed a bill to delist Chinese firms from stock exchanges?
(किस देश की सीनेट ने स्टॉक एक्सचेंजों से चीनी फर्मों को डीलिस्ट करने के लिए एक बिल पारित किया है?)
a. UK
b. US
c. Germany
d. Canada
Q.10 Andaman’s rare palm ‘Pinanga andamanensis’ has been replanted in which state to prevent its extinction?
(अंडमान की दुर्लभ हथेली ‘Pinanga andamanensis’किस राज्य में इसकी विलुप्ति को रोकने के लिए प्रतिरूपित की गई है?)
a. Goa
b. Tamil Nadu
c. Odisha
d. Kerala
Q.11 The Ministry of Defence has approved procurement of how many items from local suppliers?
(रक्षा मंत्रालय ने स्थानीय आपूर्तिकर्ताओं से कितनी वस्तुओं की खरीद को मंजूरी दी है?)
a. 20
b. 23
c. 26
d. 30
Q.12 Union Cabinet has approved how much additional funding for the eligible MSMEs?
(केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने पात्र MSMEs के लिए कितनी अतिरिक्त धनराशि स्वीकृत की है?)
a. Rs 2 lakh
b. Rs 5 lakh
c. Rs 3 lakh
d. Rs 1 lakh
Answer Highlights – Current Affairs 22 May
(1) 21 May
Anti-Terrorism Day is observed every year on 21 May in India. The day is commemorated on 21 May 1991 to commemorate the death anniversary of India’s seventh Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who died in an attack in Tamil Nadu by the terrorist group Tamil Tigers Eelam (LTTE). After this murder, V.P. The Singh government decided to celebrate May 21 as Anti-Terrorism Day.
(2) MP
“Didi Vahan Seva” has been started by the women of Rural Livelihoods Mission in tribal-dominated Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. Didi Vahan Seva has been introduced for safe delivery for rural women, which can prove to be a lifeline for pregnant rural women in tribal areas. Apart from this, vehicles under “Didi Vehicle Services” will also be available for other emergency services.
(3) Indian Railway
Indian Railways has started operations of its first 12,000 horsepower electric locomotive – WAG12. This engine is named 60027 and named WAG12. This engine has been manufactured by Madhepura Electric Loco Factory, Bihar.
(4) Bajaj Allianz
During the lockdown, e-commerce company Flipkart and Bajaj Allianz General Insurance have entered into an agreement to provide digital motor insurance policy to Flipkart customers. This partnership between the insurance company and the e-commerce head will provide Flipkart’s customers with a seamless, fast, accessible and flexible solution to secure their vehicles.
(5) Govinda Rajulu Chintala
The Appointments Committee of the Union Cabinet has approved the appointment of Govinda Rajulu Chintala as the Chairman of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. He is currently serving as the Chief General Manager at NABARD. He will continue in office until his retirement in July 2022. Presently, Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala is serving as the Chairman of NABARD.
(6) 21 May
International Tea Day is observed annually on May 21. The day aims to aise awareness of the long history and the deep cultural and economic significance of tea around the world.
(7) J&K
The Information and Public Relations Department of Jammu and Kashmir has recently started a new program called “SUKOON – COVID-19 Beat the Stress”. The initiative was launched to spread awareness about the measures to be taken to overcome the psychological impact of lockdown.
(8) Dilip Ummen
Dilip Ummen will be the new leader of the Indian Steel Association. He is right now the CEO of ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India. He was collectively chosen administrator for the following two years. He will supplant Tata Steel CEO TV Narendran, who has chosen to step down as executive from May 1. Ummen, having over 37 years of experience, is a former student of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur just as an expert veteran of the steel business.
(9) US
The US Senate passed enactment on May 20, 2020 that tries to delist Chinese firms from US protections trades except if they keep US norms of reviews and guidelines.
(10) Kerala
Andaman’s uncommon palm called Pinanga andamanensis, which is a basically jeopardized animal varieties, has been replanted at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) in Kerala to forestall its annihilation. There are just 600 examples of the species at present. The plant is small and for the most part develops in evergreen woods.
(11) 26
Service of Defense has endorsed the obtainment of 26 resistance things from neighborhood providers under ‘Make in India’ activity. A portion of the safeguard things incorporate electronic engine, link congregations, double switch intensifier, fixing ring, weldox and hardox plate and modulator.
(12) 3 lakh crore
The Union Cabinet has affirmed extra financing up to Rs 3 lakh crore to qualified MSMEs and intrigued MUDRA borrowers through the presentation of the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS).