26 March 2020 | Daily Current Affairs | English & Hindi |
Top Current Affairs of the day: 26 March 2020. Instantly obtain Latest Current Affairs with all essential info, Be the first to know all the Today Current affairs 26 march 2020 top news, Major Issues, Current News, Important events in National Current News as well as International level with clear explanation. For all competitive exams and Interviews, equip yourself with the Latest Current Affairs 26 March 2020 granted here. |
Q.1. When is the International Day of Solidarity with
Detained and Missing Staff Members celebrated?
(कब और कब मनाया गया स्टाफ सदस्यों के साथ एकजुटता का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस मनाया जाता है?)
a. 24 March
b. 23 March
c. 25 March
d. None of these
Q.2. How long has the Tokyo Olympics been postponed?
(टोक्यो ओलंपिक को कब तक के लिए स्थगित कर दिया गया है?)
a. 2022
b. 2021
c. 2023
d. None of these
Q.3. Who has recently won the Pen/Hemingway Award for
(हाल ही में 2020 के लिए पेन / हेमिंग्वे पुरस्कार किसने जीता है?)
a. Savita Chavda
b. Tavleen Singh
c. Ruchika Tomar
d. None of these
Q.4. Which state government has announced to give two
months advance ration to consumers?
(किस राज्य सरकार ने उपभोक्ताओं को दो महीने का अग्रिम राशन देने की घोषणा की है?)
a. Haryana
b. Punjab
c. Maharashtra
d. Jammu and Kashmir
Q.5. In which state has the new year Ugadi been celebrated?
a. Telangana
b. Andhra Pradesh
c. Both of the above
d. None of these
Q.6. Who has been elected the next Chief Executive Officer of
Walmart India?
(वॉलमार्ट इंडिया का अगला मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी किसे चुना गया है?)
a. Savita Chavda
b. Sameer Aggarwal
c. Shivkant Garg
d. None of these
Q.7. Recently all the ministers of which state government
have announced a month’s salary in the Chief Minister’s
Relief Fund?
(हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार के सभी मंत्रियों ने मुख्यमंत्री राहत कोष में एक महीने के वेतन की घोषणा की है?)
a. Gujarat
b. Rajasthan
c. Haryana
d. None of these
Q.8. Native ferry practice has started between America and
which country?
(अमेरिका और किस देश के बीच मूल निवासी अभ्यास शुरू हुआ है?)
a. Japan
b. UAE
c. Australia
d. None of these
Q.9. Who has been selected for Fifa’s awareness campaign
against Covid-19?
(COVID -19 के खिलाफ फीफा के जागरूकता अभियान के लिए किसे चुना गया है?)
a. Virat Kohli
b. Priyanka Chopra
c. Sunil Chhetri
d. None of these
Q.10. Which state government has reserved four of its
medical colleges for Covid-19?
(किस राज्य सरकार ने COVID -19 के लिए अपने चार मेडिकल कॉलेज आरक्षित किए हैं?)
a. Maharashtra
b. Uttarakhand
c. Delhi
d. None of these
Q.11. Who will preside over the summit of G20 leaders?
(G20 नेताओं के शिखर सम्मेलन की अध्यक्षता कौन करेगा?)
a. Vladimir Putin
b. Emmanuel Macron
c. Abdulaziz
d. None of these
Q.12. Who will host the Global Hyperloop pod event?
(ग्लोबल हाइपरलूप पॉड इवेंट की मेजबानी कौन करेगा?)
a. Kolkata
b. Madras
c. New Delhi
d. None of these
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