28 May: Top Current Affairs 2020 | Current Affairs Today | English & Hindi
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Q.1 When is International Missing Children’s Day celebrated?
(अंतर्राष्ट्रीय गुमशुदा बाल दिवस कब मनाया जाता है?)
a. 24 May
b. 25 May
c. 26 May
d. 27 May
Q.2 Who has launched the “CatchUp” calling application?
(“CatchUp” कॉलिंग एप्लिकेशन किसने लॉन्च किया है?)
a. Whatsapp
b. Zoom
c. Skype
d. Facebook
Q.3 NGMA has organized an e-exhibition to commemorate which birth anniversary of Ramkinkar Baij?
(एनजीएमए ने रामकिंकर बैज की कौनसी जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में ई-प्रदर्शनी आयोजित की गई है?)
a. 110th
b. 111th
c. 115th
d. 113th
Q.4 Who has inaugurated the tunnel constructed under the Chardham project in Chamba?
(चंबा में चारधाम परियोजन के तहत निर्माण की गई सुरंग का उद्घाटन किसके द्वारा किया है?)
a. Rajnath Singh
b. Nitin Gadkari
c. Nirmala Sitaraman
d. Kiran Rijju
Q.5 Recently Shyamalaji, Bhave has passed away, for whom was she famous?
(हाल ही में श्यामला जी, भावे का निधन निधन हुआ है, वो किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध थी?)
a. Actor
b. Author
c. Classical Musician
d. Leader
Q.6 Which nation has postponed its discussion on constitutional amendment to update its map?
(किस राष्ट्र ने अपने मानचित्र को अद्यतन करने के लिए संविधान संशोधन पर अपनी चर्चा स्थगित कर दी है?)
a. India
b. Pakistan
c. China
d. Nepal
Q.7 Which state has demanded a COVID-19 negative certificate from people arriving through road, rail or by air?
(किस राज्य ने सड़क, रेल या हवाई मार्ग से आने वाले लोगों से COVID-19 नकारात्मक प्रमाणपत्र की मांग की है?)
a. Kerala
b. Sikkim
c. Arunachal Pradesh
d. Goa
Q.8 The EU Commission has proposed how much recovery fund to support the bloc’s economy?
(यूरोपीय संघ आयोग ने प्रस्तावित किया है कि ब्लॉक की अर्थव्यवस्था का समर्थन करने के लिए कितनी वसूली निधि है?)
a. 750 billion euro
b. 650 billion euro
c. 390 billion euro
d. 810 billion euro
Q.9 Which nation’s President has offered to mediate between India and China on their raging border dispute issue?
(किस राष्ट्र के राष्ट्रपति ने अपने उग्र सीमा विवाद मुद्दे पर भारत और चीन के बीच मध्यस्थता की पेशकश की है?)
a. Japan
b. US
c. Russia
d. South Korea
Q.10 Which state has initiated the process of getting GI tag for Khamti Lahi Rice, Tawang Maize and Adi Ginger?
(खामती लहि चावल, तवांग मक्का और आदि अदरक के लिए जीआई टैग प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया किस राज्य ने शुरू की है?)
a. Assam
b. Manipur
c. Arunachal Pradesh
d. Tripura
Q.11 Which state has done away with voluntary quarantine option for people arriving from outside?
(किस राज्य ने बाहर से आने वाले लोगों के लिए स्वैच्छिक संगरोध विकल्प के साथ दूर किया है?)
a. Kerala
b. Goa
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Karnataka
Q.12 Which app has become an open source?
(कौन सा ऐप एक ओपन सोर्स बन गया है?)
a. Aarogya Setu
c. MyGov
Answer Highlights – Top Current Affairs 28 May 2020
(1) 25 May
Every year 25 May is celebrated globally as International Missing Children’s Day i.e. International Missing Children’s Day. The day is celebrated for missing children who have somehow reached home, to remember those who are victims of crime, and to continue efforts to find those who are still missing. 25 May is now widely known as the Missing Children’s Day forget-me-not flower symbol.
(2) Facebook
Another calling application called “CatchUp” has been propelled by the online life stage Facebook. The reason for this calling application is to interface loved ones simultaneously of call, in addition to 8 individuals can add to amass calling simultaneously through this application. This new calling “CatchUp” application has been created by the new item group utilizing Facebook.
(3) 115th
The National Gallery of Modern Art organized an online exhibition to commemorate the 115th birth anniversary of renowned sculptor-painter Ramkinkar Baij. The title of this online exhibition was “Ramkinker Badge: Journey Through Silent Transformation and Expression”. This online exhibition was organized on five different topics, which are as follows:
(4) Nitin Gadkari
Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari has inaugurated a 440-meter-long tunnel in Chamba as part of the route being built under the Chardham connectivity project. This tunnel will significantly reduce the time taken by passengers on the Rishikesh-Dharasu and Gangotri section of Chardham Highway (NH 94).
(5) Classical musician
Classical musician Shyamalaji, Bhave passed away. He had good command over Hindustani as well as Carnatic music. He also composed music for India’s first Sanskrit serial “Kadambari”. Apart from this, he also worked at the Karnataka Sangeeta Nritya Academy from 1997 to 2001.
(6) Nepal
Nepal has delayed the booked conversation to revise its constitution to refresh the nation’s guide. The nation’s House of Representatives should take up the issue for conversation on May 27 yet it has now been evacuated the timetable.
(7) Goa
Goa has requested that individuals entering the state through roal, rail or air must convey a COVID-19 declaration or get themselves tried after their appearance for the disease.
(8) 750 billion-euro
The EU Commission has proposed a recuperation subsidize worth 750 billion-euro (USD 825 billion) to help the coalition’s economy through the profound downturn brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and the accompanying lockdown.
(9) US
US President Donald Trump said on May 27, 2020 that he was happy to “intervene or parley” the furious outskirt debate among India and China, in the midst of the proceeding with stalemate between the militaries of the two country at the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
(10) Arunachal Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh government has initiated the process of getting GI Registration of Khamti Lahi Rice, Tawang Maize and Adi Ginger.
(11) Goa
The Goa government on May 27, 2020 changed its Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for individuals entering the state through rail, street and air courses by getting rid of the alternative of intentional home isolate for 14 days.
(12) Aarogya Setu
India’s Aarogya Setu application, which is utilized for COVID-19 contact following, has now become an open source. Making the Aarogya Setu application open source implies that the administration will distribute it on an open code store and discharge the source code in the open space.