World No Tobacco Day Awards 2020 announced

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The World No Tobacco Day Award or World No Tobacco Day Awards of 2020 have been announced. The WHO honors individual or organizations in each of its six regions, known as the WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award or World No Tobacco Day Awards, for achieving the goal of controlling tobacco every year. 

WHO’s six regions:

1. South East Asia Region Award Winners:
Anutin Charnavirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister, State of Thailand.
Social, Economic and Educational Development Society, Patna, Bihar, India (for efforts to ban pan masala, gutkha, e-cigarettes and hookahs in Bihar and Jharkhand).
Dr. Aung Tun, Chairman, Tune Kit Foundation, Myanmar.

2. African Region Award Winner
Vondu Bekele Voldemarim, Executive Director, Mathivos Vondu Cancer Society, Ethiopia.
Ms. Rachel Kitonio Davotsu, Regional Coordinator for Africa, Kenyan Center for Law and Cancer, Kenya
Abubakar Hameedou, Secretire administered, Riseau de Lutte contre le tabac et auters stupiants (Relates), Mali Mr. Devan Mohe, NGO VISA, Mauritius;
PR Kumko Vinyo Kodzow, Chef do program national de lute contre le tabac, Ministre de la Sante et de el Vigne Publique, Togo
Robina Kitarimba, Executive Director, Uganda National Health User / Consumer Organization, Uganda

3. US Region Award Winner
Three Bolivian Institutes (Shared Awards):
Asamboli Legislava Plurinacial de Bolivia (National Assembly of Bolivia)
Minio de Salud del Estado Plurinational de Bolivia (Bolivia Ministry of Health)
Alianza Bolivia Libre Sin Tabco (Alliance to make Bolivia Tobacco Free)
Antonio Druzio Varela, medical doctor and influencer, Brazil
Minio del deller popular para la saud de la republica Bolivarian de Venezuela (Venezuela’s Ministry of Health)
Three Mexican Institutes (Shared Awards):
Sachirao de Salud de Mexico (Mexico Ministry of Health)
Sachirao de Hasenda y Credito Público de Mexico (Mexico Ministry of Finance and Public Debt)
Sachirao de Economia de Mexico (Ministry of Economy of Mexico)

4. Eastern Mediterranean Region Award Winner
Nasreen Osama Dabus, Life] President of Without Smoking (Haya Bela Tadkheen), Arab Republic Egypt
Professor Ahmed Zonidi Jafri, Head of the Center for Environmental and Occupational Health, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tobacco Free Jordan (TFJ) (Laliltdaken Org), Jordan
Anwar Jasim Borham, General Secretary, Antismoking and Cancer Society, Chairman, Antismoking Committee, Kuwait.
Dr. Ghazi Zatari, Interim Dean, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut, Professor and President, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Lebanon

5. European Region Award Winner
Dr. Arsene Torossian, Minister of Health, Armenia
Vivid – Institute of Prevention of Addiction, Austria
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
Limerick Comirle (Country-wide Youth Council), Ireland
Dr. Ghanedi Turkanu, Program Coordinator, Center for Health Policies and Studies, Republic of Moldova
Cancer Research UK, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

6. Western Pacific Region Award Winner
Beijing Tobacco Control Association, People’s Republic of China
Tobacco Free Palau, Alliance for Palau
Ministry of Health, Health Promotion Board, Health Sciences Authority, Singapore
National Tobacco Control Center, Korea Health Promotion Institute, Republic of Korea
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), Australia.

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