To guarantee that the Taj city has its 30-km-long network before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, construction on the famed Agra Metro project has accelerated.
Local transportation is one of the main problems in Agra, hence the Yogi Adityanath administration is making every effort to build a world-class metro rail system well in advance of the 2024 deadline.
How much will it cover?
The metro track in the city will be 30 kilometres long. This will include a 14 km long first corridor from Sikandra Tiraha to the Taj East Gate and a 16 km long second corridor. Three elevated and three underground metro stations are currently being built.
The UPMRC crew has now begun building the second corridor, and this work will be finished in one to one and a half years. The metro will include a total of 27 stations, including 20 elevated and 7 underground, according to a UPMRC spokesperson. There are six stations along the priority corridor. There are three elevated stations and three subterranean ones.
Escalators are being installed
Escalators are being installed at metro stations by Team Agra Metro. At Taj East Gate, the first escalator installation work started two days ago. According to officials, each station will have four elevators and three escalators for the convenience of metro users.
The escalator and lift service will prove to be quite inclusive and suited for the elderly, women, children, and those with disabilities.
Power saving measures are being used
Power-saving measures are present on these escalators. They will automatically slow down after 45 seconds if they are not in use, and they will cease after another 15 seconds of inactivity.
All three of the elevated stations in the priority corridor have now undergone civil construction, and the systems work is under process.
The Taj East gate and Basai metro stations’ lift installations are also almost finished. Six stations total—three elevated and three underground—will be located along the priority corridor.
Lift will save around 37% of electricity
The metro stations’ lifts will have regenerative systems installed in them. The lift will also produce electricity as you use it repeatedly.
About 37% less electricity will be used as a result. In other words, if a lift uses 100 units of power each day, the regenerative system will produce 37 units of electricity in the lift. Additionally, a metre for estimating electricity will be put.
According to retired city planner VR Singh, the region would expand quickly as a result of the metro’s coming and the depot’s development in Kalindi Vihar. Additionally, this will give individuals work chances.
Author – Divyanshu Yadav