Brazilian Independence Day 2021: On this day several activities were held and on a vast scale, celebrations took place in the capital of Brazil that is Brazilia which include military parades, musical concerts and fireworks in the evening.
Brazilian Independence Day 2021: Brazilian Independence Day is celebrated on 7 September every year. It is also known as Sete de Setembro. In Portuguese, it is known as ‘Dia da Independencia’. Independence Day in Brazil is a National holiday. Brazil claimed its independence on 7 September 1822 from the Portuguese.
On this day several activities were held and on a vast scale, celebrations took place in the capital of Brazil that is Brazilia which include military parades, musical concerts and fireworks in the evening. People do outings, picnics and several outdoor events are performed by them.
Brazilians did not have to fight much for the freedom they won from their parent country only that is Portugal. Pedro de Alcantara, the son of the Portuguese King made a declaration near Brazil’s Ipiranga River about Independence. At that time he tore the Portuguese symbol from his uniform and declared “By my blood, by my honour, and by God: I will make Brazil free”.
After that Pedro became the Emperor of Brazil and forced the forces of the Portuguese to leave Brazil. Brazil monarchy came to an end in 1889 and became a republic but still, they kept 7 September as its Independence Day.