Oscar winner, first Indian Bhanu Athaiya dies Recently, Oscar-winning first Indian Bhanu Athaiya has passed away. He won the Oscar…
केरल टूरिज्म ने जीता PATA ग्रैंड अवार्ड 2020 Recently the ‘Human by Nature Print Campaign’ of Kerala Tourism has…
Fimicino Airport Becomes World’s First Airport To Get “5-Star COVID-19” Rating Recently Italy’s Rome-based Fimicino International Airport (FCO) has become…
डच लेखक मैरीके लुकास रिजनेवेल्ड ने जीता साल 2020 का इंटरनेशनल बुकर पुरस्कार Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld has recently…
ग्रामोदय बंधु मित्र पुरस्कार के विजेताओं की घोषणा Recently, the winners of the Gramodaya Bandhu Mitra Award have been announced….
This post contains the list of awards given in the month of July, it is very important from the exam…
भारत की पहली सौर ऊर्जा संचालित नौका “आदित्य” ने जीता गुस्ताव ट्रवे अवार्ड Recently Aditya, India’s first solar powered yacht,…
Greta Thunberg will be given the Gulbenkian Award for Humanity Recently Greta Thunberg, Sweden’s 17-year-old voice for climate change, has…
अर्नब चौधरी को दिया जायेगा टूनज़ मीडिया अवार्ड The ‘Legend of Animation’ award, recently launched by Toonz Media Group (TMG) under…
CPJ इंटरनेशनल प्रेस फ़्रीडम अवार्ड्स 2020 के विजेताओं की घोषणा Recently the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has announced the…