CBIC President M. Ajit Kumar Launches “e-Office” Application
The “e-office” application has been launched by M. Ajit Kumar, Chairman of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs at more than 500 CGST and Customs offices across India.
After the launch of the application, CBIC has become one of the largest government departments to automate or automate internal office processes. “E-Office” is a Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance of the Government of India.
The “e-office” has been developed by the National Informatics Center (NIC) and supported by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG).
The launch of the “e-office” application will eliminate the manual process of moving files and paper from one place to another with automated internal office processes. This is an important step for the organization to leverage technology to make faceless, contactless and paperless indirect taxes accessible.