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CSIR UGC NET Exam Although the actual dates of examination for each subject are yet to be announced, it is hoped that these will be made known very soon by NTA.
According to reports, the appointment dates of comprehensive exams will be released by NTA on its official website csirnet.nta.ac.in and candidates are requested to keep checking there for updates in this regard as well For aspirants, the exam schedule is most important. in planning their preparation.
With the exam schedule, the issuance of an examination city intimation slip is also expected. By going to the official portal and providing the required details, candidates can download exam city slips. Later, admit cards will be issued one by one.
The following steps have to be followed to download the admit card
- Visit the official website at https://csirnet.nta.ac.in/.
- After the admit card is released on the home page, click on the active link.
- Turn the page and log in with your application number, date of birth, and security pin.
- The screen will then show the admit card.
- Download the admit card and keep a hard copy for future use.
The CSIR NET Exam 2023 will have MCQ questions which will be conducted in a computer-based format. Candidates will be given 3 hours, or 180 minutes altogether in which to answer the question paper. What’s more, there will be no breaks between the papers.
Also, the examination will be conducted in both Hindi and English giving candidates a choice of language.
Candidates are advised to regularly consult the official website for any updates and announcements as exam dates draw closer. Candidates following these guidelines will enhance the smoothness and success of their examinations.