Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti 2022: This time the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singhji, the 10th Guru of the Sikhs, is on 9 January. People still remember the stories of valour of Guru Gobind Singh, considered to be the greatest warrior in the history of Sikhs. He was born in Patna and his father was Tegh Bahadur, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.
Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti 2022: Every year on 9 January, the birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the 10th Sikh Guru, is celebrated. The only child of Guru Teg Bahadur and Mata Gujri, Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born in Patna Sahib.
The Mughal rulers made a lot of efforts that Tegh Bahadur should accept Islam, but he did not bow down to the Mughals, so Mangal ruler Aurangzeb had him beheaded in November 1675. After his death, at the age of 9, Guru Gobind Singh took over the throne of his father.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji founded the Khalsa Panth in 1699, in which the Khalsa Sikhs were also given the principle of five Kakars. This 5 Kakars include Kangha, Kada, Kesh, Kachcha, and Kirpan. All this a Khalsa Sikh must-have. The 10th Guru of the Sikhs, Gobind Singh Ji had sacrificed his family to protect the religion.
Precious words of Guru Gobind Singh Ji-
1. Love of man is the true faith and devotion of God.
2. Always consider me as his servant, and do not have any doubts about it.
3. Never be in a hurry to shoot your sword on the weak, or else the Creator will shed your own blood.
4. There is no friend except the name of the Lord, the humble servants of the Lord contemplate and see this.
5. God has given birth to us so that we may do good deeds in the world and remove evil.
6. When you remove the ego sitting inside you, then only you will get real peace.
7. Whoever calls me God, he will go to hell.
8. The ignorant person is completely blind, he never values valuable things.
9. I like people who follow the path of truth.
10. It is right to take up the sword in the hand only when all methods have failed in the hands of a man.
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