हैदराबाद पुलिस ने महिलाओं के लिए की ‘STREE’ कार्यक्रम की शुरूआत
Hyderabad City Police in association with Hyderabad City Security Council (HCSC) has launched a program called “She Triumphs through Respect, Equality, and Empowerment” (STREE) to assist and empower women victims of domestic violence and abuse.
(हैदराबाद सिटी पुलिस ने हैदराबाद सिटी सिक्योरिटी काउंसिल (एचसीएससी) के साथ मिलकर घरेलू हिंसा और दुर्व्यवहार की शिकार महिलाओं की सहायता करने और उन्हें सशक्त बनाने के लिए “She Triumphs through Respect, Equality, and Empowerment” (STREE) नामक कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है।)
What is the STREE program:
- The program has been launched to promote a common platform for all women to join together and work with the police to deal with issues related to women’s safety and security.
- The objective of this program is to raise awareness of women about their rights, rights, laws and support systems and to establish a network of partners to ensure women’s safety, equality and empowerment.
- The local police will involve women from different sections of the society and will form a group at the police station under the program.
- An active woman will be chosen as a volunteer from each group as Sabala Shakti.
- Members of this group include non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or lawyers of the Department of Women and Child Development and representatives of local station house officers (SHOs).