International Anti Corruption Day 2021: The 2021 International Anti-Corruption Day seeks to highlight the rights and responsibilities of everyone – including States, Government officials, …
International Anti Corruption Day 2021: International Anti Corruption Day is celebrated every year on 09 December globally. Corruption is one of the most complex social, political and economic events. The main objective of this day is to spread awareness among people against corruption.
On this day, all government, private, non-government organizations and civil organizations take a pledge to fight the fight against corruption in solidarity. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime are the specialized organizations to organize this event.
The importance of International Anti-Corruption Day is how and why one should avoid corruption. This day also plays an important role in anti-corruption groups. The main objective of this international treaty was to enforce law and order in the member states to reduce corruption.
This campaign was run to combat corruption, prevent officials from taking money illegally. Its theme was set as “Your right, your role: say no to corruption”.
United National Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) was passed by the United Nations in December 2003 to celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day. Which was prepared on October 31, 2003. The member states of the United Nations signed this treaty on 9 December. Whereas India joined it on December 9, 2006.