International Day of Forests 2022: In order to keep forests from being cut down, in the year 1971 at the 23rd General Meeting of the European Agricultural Organization, it was decided to celebrate World Forest Day on 21 March every year.
International Day of Forests: International Day of Forests is celebrated globally on 21 March every year, which was announced by the United Nations General Assembly by passing a resolution on 28 November 2012 (International Day of Forests 2022). This day is celebrated all over the world to raise awareness among people about all types of forests and to explain their importance.
International Significance of Forest Day
Sustainable management of forests, as well as judicious use of their resources, is the primary way to combat climate change and contribute to the prosperity and well-being of present and future generations. Forests play an important role in poverty alleviation and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Plants provide us with immeasurable environmental, economic, social and health benefits, yet global deforestation is increasing very rapidly. Therefore, it becomes necessary for everyone to spread awareness about the importance of saving forests on World Forest Day 2022.
International Day of Forests Theme:
The theme for each International Day of Forests is announced. This year the theme of World Forestry Day 2022 is ‘Forests and sustainable production and consumption. The theme of the year 2021 was “Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being”.
History of International Day of Forests:
In order to keep the forests from being cut down, in the year 1971 at the 23rd General Meeting of the European Agricultural Organization, it was decided to celebrate World Forest Day on 21 March every year. But later the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization also gave its consent to celebrate the International Day of Forests on 21 March to spread awareness about the importance of forests, since then 21 March started celebrating International Forest Day.