मैरी डब्ल्यू जैक्सन के नाम पर रखा जाएगा नासा मुख्यालय का नाम
Recently, NASA launched a program in Washington D.C. It has announced the name of its headquarters located after Mary W. Jackson, one of the engineers who created its history. This information is shared by NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstein.
(हाल ही में नासा ने वाशिंगटन डी.सी. स्थित अपने मुख्यालय का नाम इसका इतिहास रचने वाले इंजीनियरों में से एक मैरी डब्ल्यू जैक्सन के नाम पर रखने का ऐलान किया है। यह जानकारी नासा के प्रशासक जिम ब्रिडेनस्टाइन द्वारा साझा की गई है।)
About Mary W Jackson:
In 1942, Mary W. Jackson earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics from Hampton University, which is historically Black University. She was a mathematician and aerospace engineer. He started his career at NASA from the West Area Computing Unit, isolated at the agency’s Langley Research Center.
He was admitted to NASA in 1951 by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which was made successful by NASA in 1958, where he worked until his retirement in 1985.
Jackson died in 2005 at the age of 83. In 2019, President Trump signed the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act, posthumously honoring Jackson, Johnson, Vaughn, and Christine Darden, who joined NASA’s “human computers” pool in 1967.