National Education Day 2021: On September 1, 2008, the Central Government issued a notification, freedom fighter and the first Union Education Minister of the country…
National Education Day 2021: Every year on November 11, the birth anniversary of freedom fighter and scholar Maulana Abul Kalam Azad is celebrated as National Education Day. Maulana Abul Kalam was the first education minister of independent India (1947 to 1958). Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a social reformer, freedom fighter and scholar who was born on 11 November 1888.
On September 11, 2008, the Central Government issued a notification that the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, freedom fighter and the country’s first Union Education Minister, would be celebrated as National Education Day on November 11. Since then, National Education Day is celebrated on 11 November in all the educational institutions of the country.
Read In Hindi- National Education Day 2021
Maulana Azad believed that nation-building is possible only through an educated society. On this day, seminars, essay competitions, rallies etc. are held in schools without keeping holidays. He built important institutions of education like IIT, UGC etc. for education. The education policy and principles made in the past by Maulana Azad are relevant even in the present times.
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