National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Know why National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is celebrated only on 11th January
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is observed every year on 11th January. which this time is on Tuesday. The entire month of January has already been recognized as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
The purpose of celebrating this day is to raise awareness about the plight of human trafficking victims and to promote and protect their rights. This day is specially dedicated to the awareness and prevention of illegal practice.
History of the day:
In 2007, the United States Senate proposed to establish January 11 as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. In 2010, President Obama announced to devote the entire month of January to awareness and prevention of human trafficking. Today, there are over 50 established organizations that combat this illegal practice globally, and awareness is being raised more than ever before.
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