Recently the Telangana government has selected 16 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) spread around the hospital in the Vikarabad region, the first of its kind project involving the delivery of drugs through multiple drones. Which is pilot testing the ambitious ‘Medicine from the sky’. The region’s hospital has been chosen as the central point due to the presence of cold chain facilities and that both the selected PHC Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) is within range.
(हाल ही में तेलंगाना सरकार ने विकाराबाद क्षेत्र के अस्पताल के चारों ओर फैले 16 प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्रों (PHC) का चयन किया है, जो कि कई ड्रोनों के माध्यम से दवाओं की डिलीवरी से जुड़ी अपनी तरह की पहली परियोजना बनाई गई है। जो महत्वाकांक्षी ‘आकाश से दवा (Medicine from the sky)’ का पायलट परीक्षण कर रही है। कोल्ड चेन सुविधाओं की उपस्थिति के कारण क्षेत्र के अस्पताल को केंद्रीय बिंदु के रूप में चुना गया है और यह चयनित PHC विजुअल लाइन ऑफ साइट (VLOS) और बियॉन्ड विजुअल लाइन ऑफ साइट (BVLOS) दोनों सीमा के भीतर हैं। )
What is the ‘Aakash Se Dawa’ project?
- A consortium of seven operators, headed by Blue Dart Med-Express, was initially selected for the project to be launched in the VLOS range of 500 meters and will be gradually extended to a range of 9 km.
- The project will be started with a pilot in three waves and will be followed by mapping the route network for the operation of drones to deliver vaccines/medicines to desired community health centers and PHCs.
- The project is being taken up after approval by the Ministry of Civil Aviation for a request made by the state for a conditional exemption from Unmanned Aircraft System Rules 2021 for the operation of experimental BVLOS drone flights for delivery of vaccines.