Rajya Sabha Elections 2022: According to the constitution, the maximum number of members in the Rajya Sabha is 250.
Rajya Sabha Elections 2022: According to the Election Commission, the biennial elections for the Rajya Sabha will be held this time on 31 March 2022.
This time elections are to be held for 13 seats of the Rajya Sabha. Out of these 13 seats, five Rajya Sabha MPs are to be elected from Punjab, three from Kerala, two from Assam and in addition one MP each from Himachal, Tripura and Nagaland.
Keep in mind that between April 2 and April 9, the term of all 13 MPs is being completed. The Election Commission has also released the names of all those MPs whose term has been completed. Rani Naraha and Ripun Bora from Assam, Anand Sharma from Himachal Pradesh, AK Antony, MV Shreyams Kumar and Soma Prasad from Kerala, KG Kenya from Nagaland, Jharna Das from Tripura and Sukhdev Singh, Pratap Singh Bajwa, Shwet Malik, Naresh from Punjab Gujral and Shamsher Singh Dulo.
Number of members in Rajya Sabha
According to the constitution, the maximum number of members in the Rajya Sabha is 250. In this, there is a provision of election for 238 members while 12 members are nominated by the President. The term of one-third of the members also expires every two years. After this elections are held for their seats. This means that every two years, one-third of the members of the Rajya Sabha change, not that the house is dissolved. That is, the Rajya Sabha is always there.
Rajya Sabha election process
The process of the Rajya Sabha election is different from the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections because the term of its member is 6 years. The common man votes in Lok Sabha elections but the common man cannot vote for Rajya Sabha elections. For this, only the people’s representatives, that is, the legislators, elected by the people, take part in this election.