HCL Tech की नई चेयरमैन बनीं रोशनी नाडर मल्होत्रा
Recently India’s richest woman, Roshni Nadar Malhotra became the new president of Noida-based IT company, HCL Technologies. The appointment of non-executive director Roshni Nadar Malhotra to the new role became effective immediately. She will replace her father Shiv Nadar. Shiv Nadar will continue to be the managing director of HCL Tech with the designation of chief strategy officer.
(हाल ही में भारत की सबसे धनी महिला, रोशनी नाडर मल्होत्रा नोएडा स्थित आईटी कंपनी, HCL टेक्नोलॉजीज की नई अध्यक्ष बनीं. गैर-कार्यकारी निदेशक रोशनी नाडर मल्होत्रा की नई भूमिका के लिए नियुक्ति तुरंत प्रभावी हो गई है. वह अपने पिता शिव नाडार की जगह लेंगी. शिव नाडर chief strategy officer पदनाम के साथ एचसीएल टेक के प्रबंध निदेशक बने रहेंगे। )
Roshni Nadar Malhotra:
- Roshni Nadar Malhotra has been Executive Director and CEO of HCL Corporation, Vice Chairman of HCL Technologies Board and Trustee of Shiv Nadar Foundation
- At HCL Corporation, she will be responsible for providing strategic guidance to the organization.
- He was inducted as an additional director in the third largest software exporter board in India in 2013.
- He got the post exactly four years after his appointment to the board of HCL Corp, the holding company of HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems.
- He is passionate about wildlife and conservation and founded the Habits Trust in 2018. The Trust aims to protect the country’s natural habitats and indigenous species, with sustainable ecosystems and conservation being the main mission.