सिद्धार्थ मुखर्जी और प्रोफेसर राज चेट्टी को ‘2020 ग्रेट इमिग्रेंट्स’ से किया गया सम्मानित
Recently, the Indian-American Pulitzer Prize-winning author and physician Siddharth Mukherjee and Professor of Economics at Harvard University, Raj Chetty, were awarded the ‘2020 Great Immigrants’ by the Carnegie Corporation of New York for their efforts to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic. Has been awarded with 38 US citizens included in the list.
(हाल ही में भारतीय-अमेरिकी पुलित्जर पुरस्कार विजेता लेखक एवं फिजिशियन सिद्धार्थ मुखर्जी और हार्वर्ड विश्वविद्यालय में अर्थशास्त्र के प्रोफेसर राज चेट्टी को COVID-19 महामारी को रोकने के लिए किए गए उनके प्रयासों के योगदान के लिए कार्नेगी कोरपोरेशन ऑफ न्यूयॉर्क ने ‘2020 ग्रेट इमिग्रेंट्स’ की सूची में शामिल 38 अमेरिकी नागरिकों के साथ सम्मनित किया गया है।)
Who is Siddharth Mukherjee:
Siddharth Mukherjee has been honored “for using his communication skills to educate people about COVID-19 through their forums and their widely read essays.” He won the Pulitzer Prize in 2011 for his book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. He was awarded the Padma Shri in the year 2014. Apart from these, this book was also included in Time magazine’s list of “All-Time 100 Nonfiction Books”.
Who is Raj Chetty:
Raj Chetty prepares a list of real-time data tracker launchers to measure the economic impact of the epidemic and to assist decision-making organizations to execute public policy. He has received the Padma Shri in 2015, the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clarke Medal in 2013 and the Young Labor Economist Award in 2010.