Improving soil health through integrated farming methods, rotation of crops, adoption of fertility, changing soil irrigation methods and limiting indiscriminate use of fertilizers and thus reducing carbon footprint in agriculture were important.
Carbon-neutral farming: Kerala is set to become the first state in the country to introduce carbon-neutral farming methods in selected locations, for which the Kerala government has earmarked Rs.6 crore in the budget for 2022-23. Kerala is the first state in the country to do so.
In the first phase, carbon-neutral farming will be implemented in 13 farms under the agriculture department and tribal areas and steps will be taken to convert the state seed farms at Aluva into the carbon-neutral farm and in the second phase, the model will be implemented in all 140 assembly constituencies. Carbon neutral farms will be developed.
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What is a Carbon Neutral Farm?
The Agriculture Department was involved in the process of adopting new farming methods in phases, which will reduce carbon emissions and help in storing carbon in the soil. The government had already started discussions with experts in this regard.
Improving soil health through integrated farming methods, rotation of crops, adoption of fertility, precision farming methods, changing soil irrigation methods and limiting indiscriminate use of fertilizers, preventing soil erosion and thus agriculture was important in reducing carbon footprint.