टाइटन-SBI ने भारत की पहली कांटेक्टलैस पेमेंट घड़ी “टाइटन पे” की लॉन्च
Recently Titan Company together with State Bank of India (SBI) launched India’s first contactless payment watch “Titan Pay”. SBI account holders can tap Titan Pay Watch on contactless payment POS machines to make payments. It is operated by YONO SBI.
(हाल ही में टाइटन कंपनी ने भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (SBI) के साथ मिलकर भारत की पहली संपर्क रहित पेमेंट घड़ी “Titan Pay” लॉन्च की है। एसबीआई खाताधारक भुगतान करने के लिए टाइटन पे घड़ी को संपर्क रहित भुगतान पीओएस मशीनों पर टैप कर सकते हैं। यह YONO SBI द्वारा संचालित है।)
About “Titan Pay”
- Through this technology, customers can pay up to Rs 2,000 without entering a PIN, as per RBI guidelines.
- A secure certified Near-Field Communication (NFC) chip developed by Tappy Technologies is fitted to the watch strap which enables clock tap and payment facility.
- The Titan Pay watch will act as a contactless debit card.
- The payment facility through these watches will be available on more than 2 million contactless MasterCard enabled PoS machines in the country.
- The Titan watches will have three models for men and two for women, priced between Rs 2,995 and Rs 5,995.