The day is celebrated to raise awareness about arthritis, an inflammatory condition that causes pain and stiffness in joints that can worsen with age.
World Arthritis Day 2021: Every year, World Arthritis Day is celebrated on October 12 to create awareness about the disease ‘Arthritis’. The theme of World arthritis day 2021 is “Don’t delay, connect today: time2work”.
The purpose of World Arthritis Day is to bring awareness about the disease called Arthritis. The European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) will mark this day with five dedicated podcasts with relevant content to celebrate awareness day.
The first celebration of World Arthritis Day began in the year of 1996. It was a collaboration of The Arthritis and Rheumatism International Foundation. This foundation creates awareness among people on rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). After this campaign by the foundation, it was celebrated on October 12 globally every year.