3 साल के लिए सेना में भर्ती ( Tour of Duty ): Age, Education and Selection Process

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3 साल के लिए सेना में भर्ती ( Tour of Duty ): Age, Education and Selection Process

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Military general – General Manoj Mukund Narwane told that now the common citizen can also lead military life, for that the Indian Army has introduced the Tour of Duty offer, for 3 years, the army will be able to voluntarily participate in the general civilian army recruitment. Basic training will be given to the soldier for 3 years.
(सेना प्रमुख. जनरल मनोज मुकुंद नरवाने ने बताया की अब आम नागरिक भी सैन्य जीवन जी सकता है, उसके लिए भारतीय सेना ने Tour of  Duty प्रस्ताव की शुरुआत की है, 3 साल के लिए सेना में भर्ती स्वेच्छिक रूप से आम नागरिक सेना भर्ती में भाग ले सकेंगे। 3 साल के लिए सैनिक को बेसिक ट्रेनिंग दी जाएगी।)

Tour of Duty proposal can be called Intership for 3 years – although this Intership process is already going on in Indian Railways and Indian Navy.
(Tour of  Duty प्रस्ताव को आप 3 साल के लिए Intership बोल सकते है – हालाँकि ये Intership प्रक्रिया, Indian Railway व Indian Navy में पहले से ही चल रही है. )

This selection process will normally be in the fields of Technical, Medical and Accounts.
(यह चयन प्रक्रिया सामान्य रूप से Technical, Medical व Accounts के फील्ड में होगी।)

Do not make the mistake of considering this Tour of Duty offer as a job, the recruitment process will remain the same. He is dependent on the wishes of the candidate. He wants to serve in the army for 3 years or for a full term.
(इस Tour of Duty प्रस्ताव को आप जॉब समझने की गलती न करे, इसमें भी भर्ती प्रक्रिया समान ही रहेगी। वो कैंडिटेड की इच्छा पर निर्भर है वो 3 साल के लिए सेना में सेवा (Tour of  Duty)  देना चाहता है या पुरे कार्यकाल तक.)

What is Tour Of Duty :- 

A period in which a soldier is sent to work for a limited time. Or a period when you are working in a particular place or job. Especially abroad, when you are in the army etc.
(एक ऐसी अवधि जिसमे किसी सैनिक को एक सीमित समय के लिए काम करने के लिए भेजा जाता है। या एक ऐसी अवधि जब आप किसी विशेष स्थान या नौकरी में काम कर रहे होते हैं। खासकर विदेश में, जब आप सेना आदि में होते हैं। )

For example, the 3 Years Tour of Duty – Tour of Duty is used here for a limited period of 3 years.

TOD Indian Army Vacancy 2020 Application Form :- 

Army spokesman Colonel Aman Anand said the expenditure would be less for the youth to join the army for three years and the rest of the budget could be used by the army for modernization. And the colonel has said that if an army officer leaves the army after 10 years, then the army spends Rs 5.12 crore on him including all his expenses, similarly, an army officer would spend Rs 6.83 crore on being in the army for 14 years. is. If the offer of the tour of duty is approved, then the expenditure of Fijool will be between 80 to 85 lakhs in three years. So this 3-year short service will benefit for the government. Candidates regularly visit this web page regarding latest update.

Eligibility Criteria 

Educational Qualification:- 

Soldier General (GD जवान)- 10th Pass (10 वीं पास)
Soldier Technical – 12th Pass
For Officer- Graduation

Age Limit:
For Soldiers GD: 17 ½ to 21 years.

For  Officers:  21 to 34 years.

NOTE: Age Limit may vary in the actual notification. Upper Age limit will be relaxable up to 30 yrs of age in certain conditions.

Marital Status:-  Candidate must have marital status Unmarried.

Selection Process:- 

Physical Test
Medical Test
Written Test
Those who remain in the general recruitment process will remain in it, no exemption has been given in the Tour of Duty.

Salary: – 

Selected Candidate will get in between Rs 30,000 to Rs 40,000 per month for Soldier Post.
Selected Candidate will get in between Rs 80,000 to Rs 90,000 per month for Officer Post.

Other TOD’s Proposals:

✯ ➽ Training Time: 1 Year (प्रशिक्षण का समय: 1 वर्ष)

✯ ➽ Pension: No, but will get a Retirement Amount. Rs 5 to Rs 6 lakh for ToD officer & Rs 2 to Rs 3 lakh for Soldiers

✯ ➽ In Hindi- पेंशन: नहीं, लेकिन एक सेवानिवृत्ति राशि मिलेगी। टॉड अधिकारी के लिए 5 रुपये से 6 लाख रुपये और सैनिकों के लिए 2 से 3 लाख रुपये

✯ ➽ Income Tax: Tax-Free (आयकर: कर-मुक्त)

✯ ➽ Young Men and Women After 3 Year Job: Should get Reservation for higher studies and other professional courses.

✯ ➽ If TOD Officer or Soldier dies in the line of duty: Same benefits, CSD & Army Medical access
✯ ➽  अगर TOD ऑफिसर या सोल्जर की ड्यूटी के दौरान मृत्यु हो जाती है: समान लाभ, CSD और आर्मी मेडिकल एक्सेस

✯ ➽ Current Vacant Posts: 7,500 vacancies in Junior Officer Ranks (वर्तमान रिक्त पद: जूनियर ऑफिसर रैंक में 7,500 रिक्तियां)

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