Christmas Day- 2023 is celebrated every year on 25th December.

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Christmas 2023: Celebrating the Joy of December
Christmas, the great festival of December celebrated on the 25th. It is dedicated to celebrating the birthday of Jesus who was christened as a son of God.
This is a festive time for the Christians who visit the church and say prayers, light candles as is customary among them, decorate their houses, and cut cakes while celebrating this special occasion. For example, do you wonder for what reasons only Christmas is commemorated on a specific day, that is, on the 25th of December?
Reasons to celebrate Christmas Day- 2023
Accordingly, Christians commemorate their religion’s founder during their annual Christmas day which falls on December 25th each year. Certain Christians believe that Jesus Christ was born on the twenty-fifth day of December and it has been conventionally practiced to have Christmas on that date ever since.
Significance of Christmas
Although Christmas is most often regarded as the nativity of Jesus Christ it reflects the verities of the spiritual life. The world was awash with hate, greed, ignorance, and hypocrisy at the time of his birth. This resulted in an amazing change of lives among people upon his arrival.
Life illuminated by enlightenment, hope, and joy can shine through all corners of darkness such as Christmas does. Jesus Christ stressed on awakening of spirituality using seeking and living simply while avoiding worldliness.
The Tale of Jesus Christ’s Birth
Jesus Christ, the son of God was born between 4-6 AD as per Christianity where he was the offspring of Joseph and Mary. He (Jesus) had a human father called Joseph who used to be a carpenter. An old story says that Mary, who was the child of God’s mother and in dreams she had predicted to him to be called, mother of God’s Son. Subsequently, Mary became pregnant. She traveled to Bethlehem during her pregnancy only to be denied lodging and had to stay with a shepherd. This was where Mother Mary bore Lord Jesus, our savior and the founder of Christianity.

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