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World Hindi Day 2024
We shall now discuss World Hindi Day on January 10th, popularly referred to as “Janushtaheeya Samvatsar”. This festival started during the First World Hindi Conference in Nadhgur (Maharastra) in 1975. Flash forward to 2006, when one hundred twenty-two delegates representing thirty countries assembled and declared the 10th of January to be a national holiday for Hindi in India by Dr.. Manmohan Singh who was then the Prime Minister of that country. The main aim?
The languages spoken in India are two i.e. English and Hindi while spoken mainly in north India. In 1949, which happened to be a significant year that commemorated Beohar Rajendra Simha’s golden jubilee, it officially became the language of the Republic of India.
The Languages mix in India and how it relates to the use of Hindi
India as a multi-lingual country had a very difficult task selecting a single language for all the nation. Many, therefore, felt that the language with the highest amount of speakers should serve as the national tongue, which turned out to be Hindi. However, the drafting committee of the constitution opted to declare Hindi a national language. It should be noted that the Indian constitution does not mention any single language as a national language, rather, it says that Hindi should be joined by twenty-one other languages which form the official languages.
Celebrating Hindi Day: Showing Our Language Love
In India annually on the 10th of January Hindi Day is celebrated in schools, colleges, as well as government institutions. This is also joined by local political parties and social groups which always remind us that our mother tongues are very important as well as regional languages.
Importance of World Hindi Day
Hindi Diwas is celebrated to check the trend towards usage of the English language and denigration of the Hindi language at this time. We should inform you that even Mahatma Gandhi used to refer to Hindi as “the people’s language”. On Hindi Day literary and cultural activities take place all across the nation, such events the nation celebrating the literary works of Hindi. Other awards such as Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar and Rajbhasha Gaurav Puraskar are also awarded on Hindi Divas to different ministries, departments, public sector undertakings, nationalized banks, and citizens for their contribution to promoting Hindi. Events for Hindi Day are even performed in schools and colleges on 14 September.